Thursday, 30 July 2009

Year 7 - Scone and Pizza Mix

Beaumont School Food Technology Department

Recipe title: Scone Mix

Please bring from home:

400g Self-raising flour*
100g Butter or margarine

If you can put these two ingredients in a plastic food bag to store in the fridge together (tied or sealed so we can open and re-use it to freeze the contents, marked clearly with your name – that will save time, help the contents keep cool which they need to be to rub in and save packaging!)


1. Place the flour and butter or margarine in mixing bowl, add 1 level teaspoon (3g) salt.
2. Use a knife to cut the fat into small pieces.
3. Use your hand to ‘rub in’ the fat until you can shake the bowl and find lumps no bigger than your little finger nail in the mix!
4. Divide this mixture into 2 bags with your name on, ready to make scones and pizza.
5. Freeze.
At home, if you are absent from this lesson you can follow the instructions above to make the mix. Bring it in to school anytime (we can freeze it for you). If you have a food processor you can blend the fat with the flour in this. Alternatively, you can freeze your fat and use a grater to ‘shred’ it into the mix.