Beaumont School Food Technology Department
Recipe title: Sweet Scone s
Please bring from home:
25g Sugar
75ml Milk*
1. Pre-heat the oven to 190 oc. Grease a baking tray.
2. Place the scone mix, sugar and fruit in a mixing bowl.
3. Pour in the milk a little at a time, cutting/stirring the mix with a knife until a ‘plasticine’ or ‘play dough’ texture is achieved (sticky enough to stick to itself, not too wet or too dry). You may need to add a little extra flour or milk to correct the mixture at this stage.
4. Pat with your hands or roll out the dough to a thickness of 3cm. Cut into portions.
5. Glaze with beaten egg or leftover milk.
6. Bake for 10-12 mins, until golden brown. Cool on a wire cooling rack.
Depending on time, you may be asked to bake these scones at home. If so, follow instructions 1 and 6. Serve these with jam, butter and/or clotted cream!